Thursday, October 25, 2018

How many graduates use their degree

I've often heard through social media and the internet that college isn't beneficial because those people graduated and never used the degree they went to school for. I would like to know is this actually true. What I've come to find out is that according to the Washington post 62.1% of people get a job that uses their degree. College degrees are necessary for a multitude of jobs and they must show you have a knowledge for the field in which you are planning to work in. Another factor that plays a part is the location in which you work in. Bigger cities tend to have more job openings and more opportunities to put your degree to work.  In addition to the argument that a degree isn't needed is that with a college degree you are likely to get paid a lot more just because of the degree. For example, some schools pay teachers more the higher the education they completed meaning a teacher with a master's is going to get paid more than a teacher with only a bachelor's degree. So the answer to how many graduates use their degree is a majority of them do and they've found it to be necessary to because provides proof of experience and gives a pay boost in some jobs.

1 comment:

  1. This is actually really interesting. You would think that someone who spends a lot of money to go to college and get a degree would be able to use that degree in their future occupation. It makes me wonder if those people chose an area of study that was hard to find a job in, or if they didn't like the field they would have gone into if they followed their degree.
