Thursday, October 25, 2018

Do you need higher education to receive higher payment?

As seniors are choosing their paths after school, either Community College, CalState University, or State University, a couple people would ask if a higher college with a high degree would benefit you in your career. Earning a master's degree can lead you into more jobs and opportunities, but depends on your career path in which you want to work. Certain jobs require a master's degree, not only for high payment and promotion, but to be able to maintain that job that you are currently working at. As for someone to be satisfied with their career, it would be mandatory for them to receive a master's degree. When also receiving a master's degree, you could earn $100,000 plus more than someone with a bachelor's degree, but in some fields, it is not necessary for gaining more money. No matter the career, you must research your career path that would make an impact by acquiring a master's degree. In some cases, people would choose education and fulfillment over higher payment when acquiring a master's degree, just for the pleasure or motivation on having a accomplishment of what they love to do as a career and not completely for money.

People who have bachelor's degree can earn $2.27 million, while others with master's, doctorate, and professional degrees can earn almost twice as much than bachelor's degree in their lifetime. Your lifetime savings depend on which degree you have and also which major or career you want to look forward to. Getting a higher college degree would be a huge payoff and worth it until the very end of your career.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you this was very informative, and it helps save people time in case they were going to stay in college longer for more pay not knowing that they might not need the extra education and they could've started on their life sooner.
